Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Holiday Humour

This little snippet appeared in the Bendigo Camera Club monthly newsletter for February;

A woman tourist in Italy (could it be our Vicki) rented a car and drove to one of the ancient ruins. Posing near one huge fallen column, she asked a fellow tourist to take a photo. The only instructions given were " whatever you do, don't get the car in the picture" otherwise my husband will think I knocked this place down too.

I think this little joke has been the cause of a bad case of deja vu.

Pictures to be loaded soon!! ??

Deja Vu

These pictures will speak for themselves because, frankly, "I don't want to talk about it".....
[Barry has already said enough]
Do you suppose AAMI will want to take my Rating 1 For Life off me...?
Must be a candidate for one of their "stupid" ads by now.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Queen's Relay - Nannie's Official Photos

Have been doing a bit of "photoshopping" with Scott's big moment last Saturday!